
Sometimes I use my safety belt just because I want to be held...

Oh sure, everything is sunny and rosy over there at the "Bucket". Seems like one CRAZY adventure after another....just so much fun....had by all those people...who aren't me.

Well, what about all the rest of us, huh? You know, the downtrodden, the heartbroken,
the I-slept-16-hours-and-only-got-up-
because-of-the-lack-of-caffeine-induced-headache people?

Don't get me wrong. I love Mr. Bucket. Sure enough.
I probably check it many times a day for new posts......
like a crazed hungry dog trying to bite your fingers through his cage.
(And also I have nothing to do at work these days and I check the same sites over and over
again with this web browser called Opera. You can have your favorite 9 websites on one page and it will almost continuously update them like a slot machine.)

I do my fair share of visiting...see "Summer of the Bard".
But Mr. Bojangles' budget is only so big. And I can't just setup a tent in the funplex. Which, of course, would be complete with a comfortable pillow, those caramel bullz-eye candies, them plastic star thingies, two cartons of cheap Japanese whiskey,

and my favorite cartoon -the California Raisins Claymation Christmas- seriously has there ever been anything animated better? No. End of story. (Here we go a waffeling, a waffeling we go......). Anyway, I am looking for my own Shang-Ra-La.

Point is this:
I need that Mr. Camp Activities, Follow Me Cause There Is Fun Over Here, Center of The Hub that is Mr. Bucket.
But, I sir, am no Mr. Bucket. By my lonesome, I don't think I could fun myself out of a paper bag. Surely, I am not alone.

I know what you are thinking. Yes, I have had my share of adventures in the pages of the hallowed Bucket. And yes, there has been a lady of two in my life (much more many stories of disaster to follow). But castles made of sand my friend, castles made of sand....they don't do so well on the airplane ride home.......

So I decided to start this "counter point" blog to exercise them demons! Praise Jesus, you say!
And I think this may be the perfect timimg... Not only due to my demeanor and my award winning baggage, but the weather is starting to turn towards winter. I live in Seattle and we only have two seasons here. Blah and Meh. Today was blah. Tommorow? Who knows..could be meh.....Oh, boy, I can't wait to wake up and find out!

And as you read Bucket's weekend adventures, if you think to yourself:
Shit man, What did the hell did I do this weekend?
I mean besides masturbating and eating crap I shouldn't have.
And sitting alone at the coffee house just waiting for that special
someone to recognize. Recognize that untapped, innocent,
everlasting love sitting over in the corner,
lurking like a crazed person from that Poltergiest movie.......
Then you are right here at home at the Bard's Blues. Welcome.
Your name tag is right over there ----->

Speaking of those crazy California Raisins, who knew there was a sexy Ms. Raisenette, and just what is Mr. Pickle thinking?? Tsk, Tsk, Mr. Pickle!

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